mosquitto_broker.h | |
Functions | |
mosquitto_log_printf | Write a log message using the broker configured logging. |
mosquitto_client_address | Retrieve the IP address of the client as a string. |
mosquitto_client_clean_session | Retrieve the clean session flag value for a client. |
mosquitto_client_id | Retrieve the client id associated with a client. |
mosquitto_client_keepalive | Retrieve the keepalive value for a client. |
mosquitto_client_certificate | If TLS support is enabled, return the certificate provided by a client as an X509 pointer from openssl. |
mosquitto_client_protocol | mp_mqtt (MQTT over TCP) mp_mqttsn (MQTT-SN) mp_websockets (MQTT over Websockets) |
mosquitto_client_sub_count | Retrieve the number of subscriptions that have been made by a client. |
mosquitto_client_username | Retrieve the username associated with a client. |
mosquitto_set_username | Set the username for a client. |
void mosquitto_log_printf( int level, const char * fmt, ... )
Write a log message using the broker configured logging.
level | Log message priority. Can currently be one of: |
MOSQ_LOG_INFO MOSQ_LOG_NOTICE MOSQ_LOG_WARNING MOSQ_LOG_ERR MOSQ_LOG_DEBUG MOSQ_LOG_SUBSCRIBE (not recommended for use by plugins) MOSQ_LOG_UNSUBSCRIBE (not recommended for use by plugins)
These values are defined in mosquitto.h.
fmt, ... | printf style format and arguments. |
void *mosquitto_client_certificate( const struct mosquitto * client )
If TLS support is enabled, return the certificate provided by a client as an X509 pointer from openssl. If the client did not provide a certificate, then NULL will be returned. This function will only ever return a non-NULL value if the `require_certificate` option is set to true.
If TLS is not supported, this function will always return NULL.
int mosquitto_set_username( struct mosquitto * client, const char * username )
Set the username for a client.
This removes and replaces the current username for a client and hence updates its access.
username can be NULL, in which case the client will become anonymous, but must not be zero length.
In the case of error, the client will be left with its original username.
MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS | on success |
MOSQ_ERR_INVAL | if client is NULL, or if username is zero length |
MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM | on out of memory |
Write a log message using the broker configured logging.
void mosquitto_log_printf( int level, const char * fmt, ... )
Retrieve the IP address of the client as a string.
const char *mosquitto_client_address( const struct mosquitto * client )
Retrieve the clean session flag value for a client.
bool mosquitto_client_clean_session( const struct mosquitto * client )
Retrieve the client id associated with a client.
const char *mosquitto_client_id( const struct mosquitto * client )
Retrieve the keepalive value for a client.
int mosquitto_client_keepalive( const struct mosquitto * client )
If TLS support is enabled, return the certificate provided by a client as an X509 pointer from openssl.
void *mosquitto_client_certificate( const struct mosquitto * client )
mp_mqtt (MQTT over TCP) mp_mqttsn (MQTT-SN) mp_websockets (MQTT over Websockets)
int mosquitto_client_protocol( const struct mosquitto * client )
Retrieve the number of subscriptions that have been made by a client.
int mosquitto_client_sub_count( const struct mosquitto * client )
Retrieve the username associated with a client.
const char *mosquitto_client_username( const struct mosquitto * client )
Set the username for a client.
int mosquitto_set_username( struct mosquitto * client, const char * username )